Welcome from Our Pastor

We are delighted to have you visit our congregation’s website. Westminster is a community of faith that values worshiping, learning and serving together. You will find care, encouragement, hope, laughter, love, and trust abound as we walk with one another in life and faith. We are a biblically grounded community committed to...Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.       


creatively worshiping God with a unified Spirit;


expansively studying what it means to be Christian;


willingly reaching out to others in service, locally and globally;


intentionally supporting each other; and


honoring Christ’s call to be peacemakers.

Please feel free to explore our site in order to learn more about us and our ministry. We look forward to meeting you and having you join us for worship or any of our activities.

We hope to see you soon!

Have a blessed day!

Pastor Glenn McCrickard

Who We Are

We span various ages and backgrounds, and facing life’s challenges, gather together at Westminster Church of the Brethren to live out a faith in Jesus Christ. You are warmly invited to join us to learn, to grow, to serve and to be supported in Christian fellowship.

“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”

                                    Ephesians 4:16 (NIV)

What to Expect During a Service

Our service is led by a worship leader with a minister or guest speaker preaching the sermon for the week based on a given Bible passage.  The Church of the Brethren does not follow a standard liturgy or have a creed.  Included in the service are prayers, Bible readings, a Children's Time, the sermon or message, traditional and praise music, instrumental music by the organ, piano, and hand bells, plus a time for greeting one another, as well as a time to share joys and concerns. 

What We Love  About Our Church:

  • Brethren Values
  • Peace Position
  • Believers’ Baptism
  • Welcoming Church
  • Care for Each Other
  • Worship Services
  • Sermons
  • Sunday School/Other Classes
  • Youth Programs
  • Music
  • Service Opportunities
  • Fellowship
  • Family Support

How to Find Us

Westminster Church of the Brethren is located at 19 Bond Street, Westminster, MD 21157. We are easy to find - located right next to Belle Grove Square Park on Bond Street off Main Street.  Turn at BB &T Bank.  We are the second church on the left from Main Street and on the far side of the park.

See the map for our location. For times of worship services, see Home Page.

Feel free to contact the office at 410-848-8090 between 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM on weekdays for questions and directions.

We can also be reached by email at office@westminsterbrethren.org.