Peace and Justice Forum

In recent times, Westminster Church of the Brethren's Peace and Justice Forum

has done a number of things related to racial justice.  The group conducted a survey on racism with people in the congregation and through that survey identified topics for which educational programs were provided.  

*One presentation was by  Reverend Doctor Marty Kuchma of St. Paul's United Church of Christ on "Racism and the Christian Response." 

*To highlight people's experience with race, once a month during worship a different person each month  shared his or her journey related to issues of race and discrimination.

*Our church sent a representative to attend regular meetings of the N.A.A.C.P and report back to the congregation on what was learned and ways to help in our community.  One way was to donate to the N.A.A.C.P.'s scholarship program.

*The group generated a statement on racism, which the congregation adopted.

*The Forum set up an online series of four presentations by various people from the local community to share information about racism.  Featured speakers were Ms. Judy Saunders-Jones, Dr. Richard Smith, Dr. Marty Kutchma, and Dr. Raza Khan.

*The congregation attended a Racial Healing Retreat over two days, which was led by Ms. Judy Saunders-Jones and Dr. Richard Smith.

*Coming on September 17, at the Westminster Library Exploration Commons, is a workshop featuring Kingian Nonviolence Training.  You may register for this workshop by calling the church office at 410-848-8090.

*The Peace and Justice Forum meets monthly and completed a planning retreat in August to determine future efforts.